Faces and Places Final Project
For my final project, I chose to take portraits of roughly 30 people, asking for their names, where they were from, and either where they were at the moment or where they were going. After taking the photos, I selected around 23 images to edit and publish on Flickr. This project allowed me to explore portrait photography while also gaining insight into a little bit of the backgrounds of the people I photographed.
Edan, From South Carolina, in business room working on finishing his final presentation for a class. |
Through this experience, I improved my technical skills in editing and composition, but more importantly, I learned how photography can connect people. Talking with strangers and hearing about a little bit of them gave each portrait more meaning. I also had to make quick decisions based on lighting, angles, and expressions, which challenged me to think a little more quickly. Some were in hallways, dorms, dark rooms, or busy places.This project helped to continue my understanding of storytelling through photography. I think this was a great final project to help me better understand photography a little more!
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